Hung Donkey Dick Thosedamncows


I_Eat_Ass321 That’s koko beans
Topbottom Lovely huge dick
[削除済み] Gawd Damn!
BBCKING80 She passed a few days ago (Koko) idea what the cause was. Not a great performer but RIP. Wished there was an obituary link.
BBCKING80 Koko beans died back in April 2024. Her ex-partner (chubby white tgirl also known asAmy Spacekitten / Shesborked) left he industry but now trying to get back. Unfortunately the moment has passed, they had a solid thing going until they split.
BBCKING80 It was not an amicable split either.....Koko said multiple times that Amy took all her adult industry earnings, and Amy seems to be trying to cope with Kokos death by getting back into the camming/adult industry.
BBCKING80 Perhaps it's her just acting up as a coping mechanism to deal with loss and grief.......or she's trying to cash in on it. I'd like to believe it was the former.