I hate retarded bitches like these

I hate retarded bitches like these #k5qT1Ni1
I hate retarded bitches like these #SGgTogu1


Zekka23 OP Dissing black men even after your lame ass white boyfriend left you as a single mom. Still was sucking black dick. bedwench, divestor, BBC, crazy, stupid, whore, slut, shameful, conservative, adopted, republican, sad,
Spankabooty Damn bro it ain’t that deep 💀 no need for caption like that
Shamzy97 Yeah saw this on Twitter too she was on ghetto gags too
isthatjoeb Yeah I can't stand these types either, but she's proof of how goofy their anti BM hate group is, being a former pornstar and single mother of white man's kid, but only has smoke for black men, and rewarded with a blue check at that.
isthatjoeb I could go in more but I come here for porn and I'll save my divestor mammie rants for elsewhere lol
James2256 She's not even good looking white boys y all can keep her
isthatjoeb black female white supremacist is worse than that.
isthatjoeb it's pretty low IQ to sit on a porn site and figure out which of the 2 corrupt political parties a self hating ghettogagger belongs to.
isthatjoeb ...But if you want to claim an unhinged black intersectional feminist as one of your own, have at it champ.
isthatjoeb Ironically, she embodies the true spirit of BLM more than you think, because when you move past the optics, you'll find that BLM hates black men also. She speaks the language of a group of black women that have made black men public enemy #1..
isthatjoeb ... These women are very white supremacist, speaking down to black men as if they're a separate group, while praising the greatness of white men.
isthatjoeb Which is also ironic considering the fact that living under a white power structure has earned her a porn career and single motherhood at the hands of a white man. If you were to dig, I can almost guarantee that BM are the least of her issues.
isthatjoeb On another video, she said something to the effect of making it her mission to destroy black men. That's pretty white supremacist to me, he'll, even racist WM don't speak in such grandiose terms lol.
isthatjoeb I'm done ☺️
isthatjoeb Ooh I get it now. You think she's speaking truth to power regarding bm and that I'm triggered by that. So you attack my position, assuming that I'm a progressive and therefore can predict my political philosophies. And I really haven't even attacked
isthatjoeb ... you aside from retorting to your IQ comment. I'm explaining her logic to you and why she is a white supremacist. I don't care about the "white power structure" but she weaponizes it against bm. See exhibit 3.
isthatjoeb She is a "divestor." Go look up this group of black women, some of them literally have black men hanging in their avi's and call for the aborting of black male 👶🏽
isthatjoeb By definition, yes, rappers that call for violence also practice white supremacy. You are right and it's been said among black men as well. The problem is, you can't critique one gender without speaking on the other?
isthatjoeb Does she call out the black women that chose welfare over families? You know, that's a conservative talking point. Who raised these violent young men? She's not criticizing black men for the reasons you do.
isthatjoeb Half the women in porn, across race, come from some kind of abuse, but they're not out here speaking against the men of their race.
isthatjoeb And please lose the whole left/right crap, you're speaking to a black man that didn't vote for Obama in either election
isthatjoeb To recap, BLM uses the death of bm to advance the agenda of feminists and LGBTQ groups and it was in their manifesto. We agree they're trash. We also agree that violent rap is white supremacist in nature.
isthatjoeb I'm telling you that she is a apart of a group of black women that refuse to engage in any self reflection and place 100% of the blame on the men of their group
isthatjoeb Which is impossible to do when take a critical look at how the black community became fractured. Legacy of slavery, feminism, and failed govt policy.
isthatjoeb Her group promotes the death of black men, 👶🏽, and uses white male 4chan language to insult black men with silhouettes of us hanging from trees. And you say what? Tell me where I'm wrong.
Spankabooty Bro this is fuckin porn both y’all shut the fuck up, and quit arguing over whatever the fuck your arguing about, go bust a fat ass nut fool and carry on about your day , this really ain’t the site to be doing this shit on 💀
isthatjoeb I'd much rather stick to who I wish to creampie, but a good scrimmage is just too good to pass up, especially when my IQ is questioned by an automaton with leftists and BLM living rent free in his head. But your right tho playa 👍🏾
Spankabooty Do ya thang champ
Spankabooty I can’t believe what I just read 💀, porn and politics don’t go together fools!
isthatjoeb The Fox News assessment of the black community is such a myopic one. I'm not pulling that stuff out my ass, these are the conclusions made by whites and blacks alike that did critical analysis.
isthatjoeb On a macro level, the notion of victim blaming blacks for not bootstrapping themselves is laughable considering no group in this country bootstraps their way into prosperity, and those other groups you mentioned come over with intact cultures...
isthatjoeb and no legacy of trauma. We still have people living from the segregation era. The Native Americans aren't doing that great either btw, what little of them is left.
isthatjoeb See the Moynihan report, Kerner commission, Dark Ghetto etc
isthatjoeb The biggest beneficiaries of affirmation action legislation has been white women. thanks to feminism. You can look it up yourself. This is why Bill Burr make the Gucci boot joke.
isthatjoeb The fact that your username is play on a black woman's performance name and you obsess over "leftists" and "BLM" tells me you are not capable of this level of discussion
isthatjoeb The fact that you insist on making this a partisan discussion is also am indication of your elementary understanding of history and human nature
isthatjoeb I will leave you to your fat Latinas and lot lizard looking white women 😂. Feel free to get your surface level, dime/dozen Fox news talking points off one more time.
Spankabooty I hate both of you
isthatjoeb Hey man, clicking the notification bell, then clicking this specific upload is a choice. Just like QueefLatifah makes a choice to be ignorant while saving lot lizards to his profile.
isthatjoeb That section 8 trash makes for much better content those Backpage. trailer park straggs you're adding. How do you aim so low on a porn site filled with gorgeous women? I can only imagine what you're fuckimg irl, if at all.
isthatjoeb I was gonna leave this alone until I ran across a Tweet of hers from not too long ago, asking why are women bashing black men so bad when white men are just as derelict
isthatjoeb In reference to what her white baby dad did to her. So what I've been trying to tell you is that you're a dumbass for being unable to put politics and your own racial bias aside...
isthatjoeb And see that she's unhinged attention whore smut that's saying shit that other stupid black women want to hear to mask their own bad choices and insecurities.
isthatjoeb As a man you should understand that this is more about batty female nature than her being some truthteller, spilling the beans on black men. Other white males have figured out that these women are playing a game.
isthatjoeb But you're unable to get past you're own confirmation bias to understand this. I am very objective about the black community, but she's running game. This mindset has been well documented in published books and reports.
isthatjoeb Black Americans are a product of American history and culture. Put any group through what black Americans went through and you'd get similar results. "Bootstrapping" is a myth. Government policy created a white middle class. Take jobs away...
isthatjoeb ...and replace them with drugs and we see the results in not just black communities. I don't see the next Silcon Valley coming out of West Virginia.
isthatjoeb America make black Americans the underclass of society. Other black that immigrate don't come over with American culture and socialization.
isthatjoeb Black men were in the home but often struggled to find gainful employment due to racism. When govt programs became available to the women, these men were either put put or willfully left to give their families a chance. What good jobs...
isthatjoeb ...were available eventually left the big cities and drugs flooded in. Sure it's easy to watch the news and blame the individuals for stupid shit, but on a macro level, it was a history of a series of events that brought us what we have today.
isthatjoeb No group in this country experienced what black Americans have period. "Similar" is not the same. So what is the excuse for the few Native Americans ya'll left? They are a small group but their stats are pretty shitty as well. Moral decay?
isthatjoeb There's no defect built into Black Americans and they didn't roll out of bed one day and all decide to be degenerates. They are a product of a particular human experience
isthatjoeb And your comments read as if you're emotionally invested in thus, as if an admission of anything I'm saying implies that I'm holding you personally responsible for creating a system. This really has little to do with the average white person.
isthatjoeb And not everything wrong with blacks is due to mal intent on white people's part for that matter. Much of this is economic, or govt polices that had good intentions but missed the mark.
isthatjoeb Giving rationale is not the same as making excuses. The same reason its seems that blacks can't overcome their condition is the same reason everyone can't just stop being poor and become millionaires.
isthatjoeb Although it has to be noted that it is a minority group within the race that's problematic. The rest of us live just as everyone does.
isthatjoeb There is a defacto class system here where most people don't rise far above their station in life. Bottom class people will produce bottom class children.
isthatjoeb It's not excuses, it's just reality. I deal with a lot of struggling white people and I don't see them using the magical bootstraps you expect blacks to use to lift themselves up.
isthatjoeb You are not fully informed and refuse to look at things within context. Looking at your comments and apparent choice in women, not to mention the obsession with "faggots" is making me wonder about your own life.
isthatjoeb "My life is shitty but I'm not committing crimes, so why can't they?" This exchange might be the highlight of your day, a chance to say everything you ever wanted to say to a black person.
isthatjoeb You tell mom you made a black friend before she goes off on you for not taking the trash out again?
isthatjoeb This is the internet, the place where everyone has gusto and says the shit they'd never say in person. That doesn't impress me, nor your triggered attempt to drop the one word you think I'm going to react to.
isthatjoeb As long as you keep using bipartisan terms, you're telling me that this conversation is above your pay grade. The reports I'm pulling my points from actually come from a source liberals tried to suppress. Convervatives love to say that...
isthatjoeb ...welfare ruined the black community, but the why is much more complex than simple minds like yourself want to accept. "Moral decay" is a poor and incomplete answer.
isthatjoeb The chance of outperforming parents has been in decline since 1940 (across all groups). Anyone born after 1980 has a 45% chance at doing better than their parents.
isthatjoeb So again, fuck the pie in the sky ideals, most people don't move up much- on a macro level. Of course, dumbass, there are exceptions, but exceptions don't make the rule.
isthatjoeb But I understand more now, you're one of those dirty immigrants that comes over and adopts condescending, moral high ground attitude towards black people, "I did it so why can't you." Explains why the white women you go for look so basic 🤣
isthatjoeb It's like having a shitty school full of failing students. Yeah sure, you can go into the homes and see poor study habits and blame the kids individually, and point to the 2 kids that are passing and use them as proof that anyone...
isthatjoeb ...can do it, but at what point do you examine the curriculum and staff to examine why they're producing a culture of failing students. The school down the street is full of students with less than stellar study habits, but they're passing at a...
isthatjoeb ... much higher rate.
isthatjoeb I find it ironic that you're so sharp to identify the "real racists," but turn around and show your own racism. It's cool though, I don't have high hopes for intellectual exchanges on a porn site, you tried your best, God bless you.
isthatjoeb Nobody that's ever gave this any special analysis agrees with your obstinate immigrant ass.
isthatjoeb youtu.be mnE_NseoS6U this isn't a liberal, btw
isthatjoeb So all of this talk about how black men ruined the community, crime and moral decay are just you speaking on the symptoms, not the cause. People don't just roll out bed and decide to do wrong, on a national basis....
isthatjoeb ... You cite Jamiacans and Nigerians as being able to perform, so you'd agree that there's nothing inherently flawed with black skin...
isthatjoeb ... so then that leads us back to the question of what is unique about the black American experience? Why did blacks go from having the highest marriage rates to the lowest in the 60's? There are policies that coincide with the number shift.
isthatjoeb You already came in here with your cape on for a self hating jezebel, trying to tell a black man about what a black woman is saying, and I shut that shit down.
isthatjoeb and now you, as an admitted outsider, want to tell me you have the answers to the black community problems? Gtfo.
MANNYJUAN69 I just wanna see the other scenes damn…
etherealimages Yall are all fucking idiots ^
Spankabooty That’s what I’m saying I was the first one here and all the sudden this shit turned into politics like what
United_Sir5349 Fat clit tho
etherealimages In case gall wondered what mental illness looks like , it's these comments ^
isthatjoeb too much time on my hands...wrong place maybe... but "mental illness" is a stretch especially considering I rarely go off topic on here
nuteverywhere99 Y y’all got cuh snappin 🤣🤣
pawgsndawgs Just nut to black AND white women, simple as.
jafropuff dumb bitch
detroitgoku Fuck what y’all niggas was going back and forth about id still let her give me head I love lips like hers
