
Lol #NmeRXVmk


SWUKcockforhire41 I don't see why anyone wouldn't be straight hard and kissing her. In front of her slimmer friend is best and I would lovingly tongue her and kiss her really nicely, & pound her until my cock is soaked in her juices (no lies) and into slim's mouth !
Drake-Tepes Just FYI to the fat chick, she is NOT your friend! Friends wouldn't set you up for disappointment like that😆
Bbwfan09 Get the hook out of her nose and I’d fuck her all day long.
Smoke4141 A real homie takes the fatty to help out the buddy
Broddie7998 Homies going to call me conqueror when i tame that beast
Heterophobic Plot twist: the friend she brought was the skinny one
Cult45 I would literally pump her full of everything I've got, don't doubt a torta until you've had your cock in her mouth
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